Friday 27 January 2012

BA Johnston * LIVE *

March 20, 2012  Crave Lounge, MHC campus
tickets $5 - Madhatter Roastery or SAMHC office

We're back. It's a new year and we're kicking spring off with a bang... followed by some snot-rockets, and sweating. If you've never experienced a BA show, you're in for a treat! His wild antics include everything from fireworks and writhing shirtless on the floor, to singing his final number from the washroom - don't worry he brings the crowd with him! His music tackles the difficult topics of the day, bedroom deep fryers, his roommate - "mother", and the Zombie apocalypse. This born-showman is difficult to describe... So watch the clips.

Tickets available downtown at Madhatter Roastery or at the Student's Association on the MHC campus.

BA Johnston - Your Roomate's a Couchetard from Sébastien Ouellet on Vimeo.